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Safe internet

You can find a lot of things on the Internet that you enjoy or that are useful for school, for example. There you meet friends, classmates, but of course also complete strangers. But you don’t always know for sure if the person you’re texting with is really who they say they are. You must therefore know what to watch out for and what to do in the event that something unpleasant happens to you on the Internet.

It is always better to know what can happen to you and how to prevent it. Sometimes even a seemingly harmless thing can get you into a very uncomfortable situation. But you are not alone, you always have someone to turn to for help. Tell your parents or, if that’s not possible, another adult (e.g. the librarian in the library).

To stay safe on the Internet, you only need to follow a few important, but at the same time simple, principles.

  1. Do not give anyone your address or phone number. You don’t know who is hiding behind the monitor on the other side.
  2. Don’t send your photo to anyone you don’t know, especially not an intimate one. Don’t even send your intimate photo to a friend – you never know what they might do with it.
  3. Keep passwords (for e-mail and others) secret, do not share them even with a close friend.
  4. Never reply to rude, rude or vulgar emails and messages. Ignore them.
  5. Don’t make an appointment online without telling someone else.
  6. If you come across an image, video or email that shocks you, leave the website.
  7. Confide in an adult if the site or someone’s messages embarrass you or even scare you.
  8. Don’t give viruses a chance. Do not open a message attachment that came from an unknown address.
  9. Don’t believe every piece of information you get on the internet.
  10. If you don’t want to hang out with someone, don’t hang out.

Taken from the website bezpecnyinternet.cz.